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Paubha Paintings

Newari Thanka or Thangka generally knows Paubha an endangered art. Newari paubha, is similar to that of the Tibetan thanka or thangka. The Newari people are the indigenous people of the Kathmandu valley, noted historically for their brilliant works of spiritual art and architecture, have been practicing paubha. As Tibetan thanka or thangka in nature, traditionally represent solely Buddhist deities, however Newari paubha represents images of Buddhist and Hindu gods and goddess like Shiva Parvati, Ganesh, Swarswati and occasionally show more Hindu influence form India . There are only a very small number (perhaps five) acknowledged, legitimate paubha painters left in Nepal today. We present the works of two highly respected paubha artists.

We are especially pleased to present our collection of Newari paubhas, an endangered art.

Thangka Art Center offer wide collection of Newari Thangka or Thanka Paintings. All our Newari Thangka or Thanka Paintings are wonderfully painted. Most of the parts are painted with gold color which makes this Newari Thangka or thanka Paintings beautiful and glow the color of gold when light is given to it.

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